
Dos and Don’ts After a Tooth Extraction


Toothache is one of the most uncomfortable experiences! I think most of you can relate to this. No matter what’s causing you an extreme toothache, this can be one of the terrible things to experience.

What Does Toothache Indicate?

Sometimes, this toothache can be from an infection in your gums or a damaged filling. However, in certain conditions, this toothache can be a sign of some serious problem. My cousin who just got this recurrent infection and toothache when visited a dentist she was told that she immediately needed a tooth extraction. Then she went to the best dental surgeon and got her tooth removed.

Signs Telling that You Need A Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a common procedure that is performed. Other than toothache, many other things can indicate that you probably need a tooth extraction. Want to know more about these signs? You are at the right place. Here are the signs telling that you may need a tooth extraction, including:

  • Severe toothache
  • Tooth crowding that doesn’t leave enough room for other teeth to fit in properly
  • Impacted wisdom tooth
  • Signs of gum disease
  • Recurrent oral infections
  • Broken teeth
  • Extreme tooth decay
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • Pain in your jaw, mouth, and neck region

All these signs can add to your existing troubles leaving no other option than the tooth extraction. If you are looking to decide on a tooth extraction there are many things you need to consider. Especially after extraction, tooth care is extremely important. If you don’t take care of your oral health after undergoing the extraction, you may make it worse for you.

Dos and Don’t of Tooth Extraction

If you have just gone through the tooth extraction or planning to get one, here are some of the dos and don’t of tooth extraction that you may need to know about:

Dos of Tooth Extraction

Use Cotton to Stop Bleeding

Whenever you go for tooth extraction you may experience some bleeding. To stop this bleeding, make sure to use a cotton gauge. You can place it in the affected area for 45 minutes. However, if you are experiencing unstoppable bleeding, it is recommended to put a little pressure on the affected area to stop the bleeding.

Use Ice Pack for Pain Relief

Even if the bleeding stops, you can still experience a lot of pain. Though you may not experience any pain initially because of the anaesthesia you got. However, as soon as the effect of anaesthesia fades away, you start feeling the pain. So, to reduce this pain make sure to apply an ice pack to the area. This results in the numbness of the painful area which ultimately reduces the pain.

Carefully Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth regularly is a part of your routine. Brushing your teeth is not a big deal however, in the case of dental extraction you should be very careful while brushing after the tooth extraction. The reason is that after tooth extraction a blood clot forms around the extraction area. Vigorous brushing can dislodge this blood clot and prevent complications.

Don’t of Tooth Extraction

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is injurious to your overall health. Not only does it affect your lungs or leave stubborn stains on your teeth. However, smoking after tooth extraction can result in complications. This can cause the formation of dry sockets around the extraction site. So, if you don’t want to suffer from any complications, refrain from smoking for a few days.

Avoid Solids

Immediately after the tooth extraction, it is not recommended to eat any solids that require a chewing force. So, the force you use to bite the food can again dislodge the food clots. So, it’s better to not feed on solid foods but feed on liquids or semi-solid but nutritious foods.

Don’t Take Aspirin

Aspirin is the go-to treatment option for pain and inflammation relief. However, if you have gone through the tooth extraction, make sure to not take aspirin. This can hinder your healing process by inhibiting the formation of a clot due to its blood-thinning properties.

Don’t Poke the Gap

After tooth extraction, you are more likely to experience a gap in the place of teeth. This may feel very awkward in the beginning but do you know that poking this gap can be even more harmful to you. So, as soon as you go through the tooth extraction, avoid moving your tongue unnecessarily across this gap or using a toothpick. This will minimize your chances of damaging your teeth

Bottom Line!

Tooth extraction is a common procedure that is performed to remove damaged or problematic teeth from your mouth. However, a few days are important after getting your extraction done because if you don’t take proper care of your mouth, you are more likely to suffer from complications. So, make sure you take care of your oral health right and don’t miss out on your routine checkups.


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