
Cheap Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often considered the more technical part of Web marketing. Put simply, SEO is the process of improving the visibility of Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly, resulting in them getting higher positions in search results. The higher on the search results list a site appears, the more visitors that site will receive. Getting your website placed in the top 10 search results for your targeted keywords can result in increased traffic to your website and consequently, increased sales. Getting listed on the first page of results is pretty much critical as most people who search the Web won’t bother to look any farther than the first page of search engine results to find you. Getting the right cheap search engine optimization tool as a part of your Web buy backlinks SEO strategy can increase your search engine ranking and dramatically increase visitors to your site by providing you with huge amounts of FREE traffic.

Cheap search engine optimization is not best achieved by methods such as focusing on keywords, Meta tags, title tags or the name of your domain and it does not just depend on the age of your site! The number 1 factor in determining Google search result rankings is the number of one-way backlinks that sites have.

So what are backlinks and how do these increase rankings?

A backlink is a hyperlink (a clickable link) on a site elsewhere on the web that links back to your website. Sites with a lot of backlinks are seen by Google as more important than sites with less backlinks, kind of like a popularity vote for that website. However, backlinks are not all created equal. Backlinks on a less popular site count for less. Also, backlinks on a site whose keywords are unrelated to your site, or is otherwise not similar in any way to yours, count for much less. But backlinks that are either on a popular site, or a site similar to yours in content, are considered to be more important by Google.

The two fundamental factors for SEO

To begin with it is important to underline the two main factors leading to high page rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. These are basically, first, to have a keyword rich and code optimized website, and second, to have a large number of links back to your website from others. These links are rated by the different algorithms in terms of quality, so links from the big websites in your particular industry are given more weight than links from meaningless auto-blogs for instance. I believe article marketing is the ready-made solution which enhances buy high quality SEO and backlinks service whilst also offering a source for highly targeted visitors in its own right.

Article marketing for backlinks

The second advantage of article marketing is the backlink benefit I have just mentioned. Many people go out link hunting, writing to website owners, paying for backlinks etc. and all with very little return. For the most part this strategy therefore is a waste of time – if you are not investing money in links the returns will generally be very small and not make a great deal of difference.

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